
Hello World!

Welcome to my blog. Here you will read very short stories about life as it unfolded, inspired thoughts, and being a Stay-at-home-Dad related topics.  Some of my day-to-day struggles with life and past experience can be found here.

I put out my simple thoughts freely but with self-censorship.  However, certain experience change me.   I believe, deep down inside, we have something in common.

Please feel free to go through my posts and if you find anything interesting or worth reading kindly drop a word or suggest.  You are free to share any of the contents with giving due credit.

Visit my complete self-hosted blog here: Abidings – life memories inspired

You can reach me at ngaihtesiam@gmail.com or by using this form here.  Your comments and feedback are always welcome.

Thank you for your time!


6 thoughts on “Welcome!

  1. Thank You! You are so kind to read my writings. I love you, as does GOD, with all our hearts. Please read more of, “From The Darkness Into The Light” blog site; and of my own blog, if you wish. Blessings upon you and your child. Timothy PS: Give me time to read more of your blog. May “follow” site thereafter.

    Liked by 1 person

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