Born with a Purpose

Irrespective of what we do, if we serve our purpose in life, we’d be a blessed person in the end.  Our life, which is the means, would justify the/our end.

Longevity is a blessing but not everyone could have it.  Still, a lifetime whether long or short doesn’t determine our purpose; it depends on how we perform our menial or noble work.

Brevity: life is made of it.  Nothing lasts forever.  The longest day of the year is still one day; nothing more than that.  The longest lifetime of any creatures was still a brief moment in the sight of God.

In the brevity of life, where little things are simply stitch together, we are made for a purpose.  Nothing deters our worth, we are planned.  God has created our inmost being; knit us together in our mother’s womb.  We are fearfully and wonderfully made.  (Psalms 139:13, 14)

Our life is God’s good gift to us.  Circumstances in life, good and bad, reveals our potential.  Life in itself is the greatest opportunity.  Opportunists we all are, although political opportunists are not appreciated as they can hinder growth.

Struggling with our Purpose:

The problem lies in not knowing our purpose.  There are many lives shriveling day by day as they are unable to use their potential.

Not all persons could be CEOs yet the jobless are not worthless either.  In our own level we can serve our purpose.  Serving our purpose would give us sense of achievement even in our most unwanted situations.

Some days of the year I could spent wondering whether I served my purpose or not.  In the countryside where I was born, there was no or less facility to take care of newborns.  Yet I survived to this day by the grace of God.  I have this faith that before I could serve my purpose, here on earth, my God wouldn’t take my life.  And that’s my prayer too.

It is my prerogative in assuming that securing a noble job, which would raise our financial status and providing for our family needs, would be my purpose of living.  Or at least my purpose of leaving home for better opportunity, it doesn’t seem to be, as of now.

Our purpose could be way beyond our thoughts and what we wanted to do in life.  It could be lowly or doing odd jobs but serving our purpose would be our greatest privilege in living one life.

Our birth might not be foretold, as in the case of Jesus Christ, but we are here with a purpose.  We might not discover yet me might be serving or on the path of our discovery.  Here, I know one thing: We can help in understanding our purpose(s).

Born with a purpose:

The birth of a king was foretold through the prophets, number of times, in the Old Testament.  It doesn’t matter your acceptance, a king was born some 2000 years ago.

He was born in Bethlehem and first laid in a manger.  Born of a Virgin Mary was baby Jesus Christ; the God who came in human form.  He did not have a noble birth.

The baby Jesus was born with a purpose: to deliver his people from their sins.  Without mentioning the Cross, a Christmas would be incomplete.  Because His death on the cross was the ultimate purpose and completion of His life on earth, as He declared, “It is finished!” (John 19:30)

As it was told, “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus because he will save His people from their sins.”  What does Jesus mean?  Jesus is the Greek form of Joshua, which means the Lord saves.

From the king who did not have a noble birth to spending his whole life with the lepers, downtrodden, outcast, and lowly people, there would be nothing to expect much from Him.

We had known the aftermath and the superiority of Jesus Christ.  However, if we’re among those who lived during his birth, nothing extraordinary would be expected of Him.

Despite the temptations and rejection He had received from His own people, Jesus Christ still fulfilled His purpose.  That too, in a very short span of time.

In just over three decades He fulfilled His purpose of coming.  Again, it reminded me of the brevity of life.  Despite the brevity of His life, He changed the world.  In that 24 hours, on the Cross of Calvary, He changed the fortune of the world, I repeated.

Jesus Christ doesn’t need richness, wealth, status, and good amount of time in fulfilling His purpose.  We know He is God who is superior over humans but in His birth as a human, He has become one amongst us.  He was the Son of Man who endured all kinds if hardships in His short span of life.

As the years Christmas is nigh, decorations and preparations might have started in some peaceful countries.  It would be soon followed by a celebration worldwide; some would celebrate it as reminder the Birth of Savior or as a normal festival.

As the streets, shopping complexes, and the churches are lit up in attune to the celebrations of the first Christmas where the angels had light up the sky in declaring His worth!

When you sit under the mistletoe, take some time to think of the purpose of Christ’s birth.  Then go on to think about your purpose of living this life.  Let’s make our wishes and prayer made known to Him.

Should we already know our purpose or fully surrender to His will, keep hanging on to it till the end.  He came to deliver mankind from our long impending sin.

As there could be a high point of our life there would be a low point as well.  In our adversities, our sufferings, our financial struggles, it is my prayer that the purpose these afflictions be made known to us.

As we face the world, in His grace, it was His purpose of making us whole again and reconnected with Him, and beyond.

3 thoughts on “Born with a Purpose

  1. Christ’s purpose for us ? Never be the source of anyone’s misfortune and never pass by an opportunity to perform a charitable act if we can. I’d say that’s quite a challenging and admirable purpose and really so simple. Blessings…

    Liked by 1 person

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